
Monday, October 12, 2015

Trip to Canada #2

The flight was a little bit delayed but it was no big deal for me.

As usual I opted for the aisle as I like to move around and not fixed at my place most of the time. 

The look and feel inside

The fornt of where I am seating.

I like the small compartment where we can put our little needy stuff like our glasses, usb cable and phone. 

The inflight entertainment is just ok. Movies are so-so, the music collection sucks though. 

As you can see from the photo above, I opted for Jurassic World. I always enjoyed the movie. I also watched Sex in the City. When I was seriously out of option, I listened to classical. Bantai sajalah. 

The best part is the eating part.

Here is my moslem meal pack

In case you were wondering..

It was not too bad. I got a Haagen Dasz ice-cream too!

I snacked a lot - Ruffles potato chips, peanuts, crackers and lots and lots of juices and ice water. I was thirsty all the time.

The toilet is ok but it was not too clean. I put on lotion provided, few times. I walked around too (and grab handful pack of peanuts along the way!).

Passed by Japan

Over the Pacific

At the time I was writing this, we were flying above the Pacific.

I wished for my usual cup of hot milo, the dim of my ikea uplighter warm lights, on my bed lying FLAT and with my family beside me. Usually it is Redza haha.

Signing off, 11th Oct (and soon gonna be 11th October again).

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