
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Trip to Canada #1

And so it begins my journey.

First up, I woke up at 3.30a.m.

Then had breakfast before my family came and picked me up. All my mum, brother and sister sent me off.

One for the album

My wife too!

The flight was about 3 hours 22 minutes to Hong Kong. I had a nice breakfast inflight with  karipap made by my wife. I slept for a while after watching 3 episodes of Modern Family while laughing my head off.

Upon arrival at Hong Kong, I turned on the free wifi and here I am, online and all set. 

We perform prayers at the Prayer Room.
Prayer Room from outside

The inside of the prayer room. Nice and spacious

With prayer mats

A nice ablution place.

Here is the airport

Another view

Had a hot chocolate. Check out the price!

Cathay Pacific fleet

I used the time wisely to journal about this experience.

My favourite photo!
Hope to write more soon.

Signing off 2.55pm, 
Hong Kong.

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