
Friday, November 9, 2012

Teaching through Storytelling


There are many creative ways that teachers can do to motivate their students. One of them is through learning by storytelling technique.

Storyteller Roger Jenkins who has provided storytelling courses for teachers since 1998 says “Storytelling is a powerful tool. Besides learning language, it also allows bonding between children and educators.”


When asked how stories can be used to teach other subjects besides English, he gave an example of a teacher who used a story to teach her students about the rainforest ecosystem in Science class.

The story was about a girl trapped in the rainforest. While she was walking, she noticed the different flora and fauna and even noticed the insects that the animals ate.

The teacher included all the details that she wanted to teach in the story. “The students aced the exam,” Jenkins shares.

“Teachers can use stories to ensure greater retention and understanding because a story gives context to the information rather than just isolated bulletpoints.”

In this 10 minute demo video, one of my favourite storyteller, Roger Jenkins shows how he tell using puppets, cut-outs, pictures (in this case via powerpoint), masks, props, mime, magic, sounds and audience interaction.

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