
Thursday, December 15, 2011

My favourite recipe : "Healthy Omelette"

This is my attempt to offer healthy choices of breakfast to my kids. Since they are strangers to vegetables, I attempted to hide some vege goodies in the omelette so that they can get into their stomach safe and sound!

What you need:

6 eggs

2 tablespoons of herbs (choices of parsley, tarragon, chives)

4 tablespoons Broccoli (cut into very small pieces, to blend with the herbs)

Half of a capsicum (mixed colours, diced)

3 tablespoon of shaved carrot

Mushrooms (sliced thinly)

1 tomato (not the ripe ones, diced)

Olive oil (enough for pan-frying)

Few slices of cheese

Salt and pepper to taste

What to do:

1. Combine eggs and herbs in a bowl and beat mixture with a fork until it mix well.

2. Season with salt and pepper.

3. Place an omelette pan over medium heat until hot. Heat the oil.

4. Saute onions, mushrooms, carrot, capsicum, broccoli and tomato in order.

5. Pour in egg mixture.

6. Tilt the pan to distribute the mixture evenly. Turn it over for few seconds to let it cook well. 

7. Quickly turn off the heat, put small slices of cheese onto half of one side and fold it over. 

Note: The choice of ingredients are optional. You can leave out any but not the eggs, salt and pepper!

Estimated Cooking Time : 20 minutes

Serves 4

Photo from

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