
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My favourite recipe : “Laksa Lemak”

Once in a while, I like to indulge my taste for something spicy, soupy, creamy and savoury all at the same time. This is one dish that allow me to do that! Laksa lemak is not only rich and creamy with cococut milk but it is also flavoured with a blend of spices and herbs, each lends their unique flavour. The addition of prawn paste adds depth and sweetness to the gravy.

You can have it for lunch or serve it as the main dish when friends and family come over for a meal. It is also quite an easy meal to prepare and quite flexible when it comes to its ingredients.  I given here the recipe for a grand laksa lemak  but in case some of the ingredients are unavailable, you may cut them out. It may be less tastier though :P

What you need :

Half cup of cooking oil

10-20 pieces of fish balls

10 pieces of kulit tauhu / fried tofu

Around 15 pieces of medium-sized fresh prawns

4 pieces of chicken parts. diced into medium-sized.

3 tablespoon of dried shrimps (soaked and then pounded)

3 large onions, roughly diced

5 cloves of garlic, roughly sliced

6-12 cili kering / dried chillies (soaked in hot water then drained)

6-12 fresh red chillies, roughly sliced

1 tablespoon of chilli powder

2 cm lengkuas / galangal

1 cm kunyit hidup / turmeric (powdered is also ok)

3 stalks daun kesum / anatto leaves

2 stalks of serai / lemon grass, roughly sliced

1 stalk of bunga kantan / wild ginger bud, roughly sliced

2 cm belacan / shrimp paste

Half can susu cair / evaporated milk

2 cups of thick santan / coconut milk

1 piece of chicken and/or anchovies stock cube

Salt and sugar to taste

Mee kuning / yellow noodles to accompany the laksa lemak gravy

Fried shallots for garnishing

Sliced red chillies for garnishing

Fine slices of Chinese celery and spring onions for garnishing

Wedges of Limau kasturi / limes for garnishing

Sliced Daun pudina / mint for garnishing

Wedges of boiled eggs for garnishing

* Recipe for 5 servings

What  to do:

Oh my..I am salivating as I type the ingredients :)

Back to business at hand.

1. Combine all items in italics and blend them to a smooth paste.

2. Heat oil in a large pot and and then fry the paste until the aroma comes out. Do not over fry!

3. Add water and stocks and bring to boil. Simmer for about 5-10 minutes.

4. Now you can add in fish balls and fried tofu and bring to boil again for few more minutes.

5. Add susu cair and santan. Bring to boil and simmer for few minutes. Stir in gently in low heat.

6. Season to taste.

7. Serve with mi kuning / noodles, garnish and enjoy the meal!

*Estimated cooking time : 30 minutes

Happy cooking!

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