
Monday, May 30, 2011

Perkongsian petua dari Dr Fadzilah Kamsah
Di sini, saya ingin berkongsi beberapa petua yang telah dikongsi oleh seorang rakan yang menyertai satu seminar oleh Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah:
1. Sebelum tidur, maafkan semua orang tidak kira siapa pun. InsyaAllah, Allah akan lipat gandakan rezeki kita.
2. Sebelum tidur juga, panjangkan doa kita kepada Allah. Bergantung kepada apa yang kita hajati, sepanjang waktu tidur, otak kita akan menjana hajat kita dan InsyaAllah kita akan ada semangat untuk mencapainya keesokan hari.
3. Makanlah buah sebelum kita makan makanan utama (sarapan / makan tengahari / makan malam). Amalan ini adalah mengikuti sunnah dan mendapat pahala. Tambahan lagi, pakar pemakaanan membuktikan bahawa, vitamin C dari buah-buahan yang dimakan sebelum pemakanan utama akan diperolehi hampir 100%.
4. Jangan minum air semasa sedang makan makanan utama. Minumlah air hanya 15-30 miniit selepas makan. Untuk minum, teguklah yang pertama dan biarkan air dalam mulut about 10 saat. Kemudian, barulah ia ditelan. Tegukan kedua dan seterusnya boleh diminum terus. Air liur kita ada enzim yang boleh membunuh kuman dalam pankreas, perut, and organ dalaman. Ini dibawa oleh air tegukan pertama.
5. Seeolok-eloknya, makan malam sebelum maghrib  mengikuti sunnah (Rasulullah makan sebelum Maghrib kecuali bulan Ramadhan ie masa Maghrib) . Ini kerana untuk anak-anak yang sedang belajar, otak akan berfungsi lebih baik lebih kurang 2 jam selepas makan.
6. Jika kita makan pada 8.30 malam, kita hanya boleh mula belajar dalam pukul 10.30 malam dan kemungkinan besar hanya boleh bertahan sehingga jam 12 tengah malam sahaja. Jadi tidak banyak yang boleh dipelajari.
7. Apabila kita makan lewat, kita juga akan tidur dalam kekenyangan yang mana boleh menghindari diri dari membuat sembahyang malam.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teacher
There is a saying;
"Poor teacher tells
Good teacher teaches
Best teacher inspires the students"
and as Aristotle says;
"We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit".
Our character, basically, is composite of our habits;
Sow a thought, Reap an action,
Sow an action, Reap a habit,
Sow a habit, And reap a character"
Habits are powerful factors in our lives. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily express our character and produce our effectiveness or ineffectiveness.
To become a highly effective and best teacher one should inculcate sound character and good habits. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teacher is Habits of Effectiveness. They are based on principles, they become the basis of a person's character, creating an empowering center of correct maps from which a teacher can effectively inspire the students and continually learn and integrate other principles in an upward spiral of growth.
The seven habits are:

A look at a top country’s education system

Finland’s education system is tops: Here’s why

by Mike Lombardi enter.swidnik
Finland, a country with a population of five million, has once again scored at the top in international tests in math, science, and reading literacy. This article summarizes policy directions that have made Finland the international academic star. Policy makers, educators, and the media can take a lesson from Finland.
Results from a comprehensive 41-country survey by the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) during 2003 and released in December 2004 by the Paris-based Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) ranked Finnish 15-year-olds at or near the top in reading, math, and science. The survey showed that Alberta is the leader in Canada. B.C’s. 15-year-old students were ranked third in reading, seventh in math, and eleventh in science. OECD documents suggest that compared with the previous assessment, in 2000, the performance of the 15-year-old Finnish age group has risen in math and science. In reading literacy, Finland has kept her position as the leading country.
Even with the results from Finland, Canada’s media seem fixated on reporting the success of Alberta and other jurisdictions that are driven by data-madness and constant standardized testing. In those jurisdictions, evaluation and testing drive teaching and learning.
The successful performance of Finnish students is attributable to an array of interrelated factors, one of which is a comprehensive pedagogy. Prior to the OECD test, the 15-year-old Finnish students who participate in the assessment never experience any standardized testing in school.
Following are some of the factors that have led to the success of the Finnish education system. The results are summarized from a report about the 2000 OECD results:

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My favourite recipe : “Laksa Lemak”

Once in a while, I like to indulge my taste for something spicy, soupy, creamy and savoury all at the same time. This is one dish that allow me to do that! Laksa lemak is not only rich and creamy with cococut milk but it is also flavoured with a blend of spices and herbs, each lends their unique flavour. The addition of prawn paste adds depth and sweetness to the gravy.

You can have it for lunch or serve it as the main dish when friends and family come over for a meal. It is also quite an easy meal to prepare and quite flexible when it comes to its ingredients.  I given here the recipe for a grand laksa lemak  but in case some of the ingredients are unavailable, you may cut them out. It may be less tastier though :P

What you need :

Half cup of cooking oil

10-20 pieces of fish balls

10 pieces of kulit tauhu / fried tofu

Around 15 pieces of medium-sized fresh prawns

4 pieces of chicken parts. diced into medium-sized.

3 tablespoon of dried shrimps (soaked and then pounded)

3 large onions, roughly diced

5 cloves of garlic, roughly sliced

6-12 cili kering / dried chillies (soaked in hot water then drained)

6-12 fresh red chillies, roughly sliced

1 tablespoon of chilli powder

2 cm lengkuas / galangal

1 cm kunyit hidup / turmeric (powdered is also ok)

3 stalks daun kesum / anatto leaves

2 stalks of serai / lemon grass, roughly sliced

1 stalk of bunga kantan / wild ginger bud, roughly sliced

2 cm belacan / shrimp paste

Half can susu cair / evaporated milk

2 cups of thick santan / coconut milk

1 piece of chicken and/or anchovies stock cube

Salt and sugar to taste

Mee kuning / yellow noodles to accompany the laksa lemak gravy

Fried shallots for garnishing

Sliced red chillies for garnishing

Fine slices of Chinese celery and spring onions for garnishing

Wedges of Limau kasturi / limes for garnishing

Sliced Daun pudina / mint for garnishing

Wedges of boiled eggs for garnishing

* Recipe for 5 servings

What  to do:

Oh my..I am salivating as I type the ingredients :)

Back to business at hand.

1. Combine all items in italics and blend them to a smooth paste.

2. Heat oil in a large pot and and then fry the paste until the aroma comes out. Do not over fry!

3. Add water and stocks and bring to boil. Simmer for about 5-10 minutes.

4. Now you can add in fish balls and fried tofu and bring to boil again for few more minutes.

5. Add susu cair and santan. Bring to boil and simmer for few minutes. Stir in gently in low heat.

6. Season to taste.

7. Serve with mi kuning / noodles, garnish and enjoy the meal!

*Estimated cooking time : 30 minutes

Happy cooking!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Memartabat Bahasa Malaysia : “Kekeliruan menggunakan kata majmuk”

Dipetik dan diadaptasi dari Tip Bahasa, mStar, 22 Mei 2011
Berikut ialah beberapa contoh kecelaruan dalam menggunakan kata majmuk. Contoh yang salah di dalam kurungan.
1. acap  kali (acapkali)
2. ada kala (adakala)
3. andaipun (andai pun)
4. ataupun (atau pun)
5. walau bagaimanapun (walau bagaimana pun)
6. barangkali (barang kali)
7. begitupun (begitu pun)
8. biarpun (biar pun)
9. dahulu kala (dahulukala)
Selamat berbahasa!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Memartabat Bahasa Malaysia 4 : “Kekeliruan menguna kata serapan”


Dipetik dan diadaptasi dari Tip Bahasa, mStar, 22 Mei 2011


Berikut ialah beberapa contoh kata serapan dari bahasa Inggeris yang betul dan yang salah (di dalam kurungan).

1. pensel (pensil)

2. pelan (plan)

3. platform (platfom)

4. profesional (professional / profesyenal)

5. sandwic

6. pesona (persona)

7. silinder (selinder)

8. skema (skima)

9. spageti (spagetti)

10. spesies (spesis)

Selamat berbahasa!

Aktiviti Sains : "Puting Beliung di dalam Botol”


Puting beliung adalah suatu fenomena alam yang merbahaya dan boleh mengakibatkan kerosakan yang besar. Memang cukup merbahaya untuk melihat dan menghampirinya. Tetapi ada cara yang lebih baik untuk anda melihat rupanya dari jarak yang selamat!

Apa yang diperlukan:

2 Botol plastik

Satu penutup botol




Pita Selofan

Apa yang perlu dilakukan:

1. Isikan satu botol dengan air sehingga penuh.

2. Titiskan pewarna pilihan anda supaya air di dalam botol itu lebih kelihatan.

3. Buatkan lubang kecil berdiameter lebih kurang 4 mm pada tutup botol. Salah satu cara untuk melakukannya ialah dengan menebuk menggunakan gunting dan memusingkan bilah gunting pada bukaan kecil tadi hingga anda mendapat lubang bulat yang sempurna.

4. Pasangkan penutup botol berlubang tadi di atas botol berisi air berwarna.

5. Satukan botol kedua dengan botol pertama tadi dengan menggunakan pita selofan.

6. Sekarang cuba balikkan botol itu. Botol yang berisi air di atas dan yang kosong pula di bawahnya.

7. Cuba pusingkan botol itu dengan laju dan lakukan kaedah cuba jaya sehingga anda dapat melihat puting beliung mini di hadapan anda!


Apa yang berlaku?

Apabila kita terbalikkan dan pusingkan botol itu, air akan turun dengan laju ke bawah dan membentuk susunan vortex atau pusaran air. Itulah dia puting beliung yang kita lihat di dalam botol. Puting beliung mini ini tidak akan terjadi jika kita hanya terbalikkan botol tetapi tidak pula memusingkannya. Ini adalah kerana puting beliung mini tidak akan terbentuk tanpa terjadinya susunan vortex.

Pusaran air terjadi kerana ini memudahkan perpindahan antara air dan udara di antara satu botol ke botol yang lain. Jika anda perhatikan, di tengah-tengah pusaran air, terbentuk satu lubang yang bertindak sebagai jalan udara. Jalan udara ini memudahkan air turun ke bawah dan dalam masa yang sama menggantikan udara yang akan dipaksa naik ke atas.

Tahukah anda?

Puting beliung yang sebenar disebabkan oleh pelanggaran udara. Apabila udara kering dan sejuk yang bergerak cepat bertembung dengan udara tropika yang panas dan lembap, ia mengakibatkan suatu ketidakseimbangan berlaku. Udara yang panas naik ke atas dengan kelajuan hampir 300 kilometer sejam. Udara sejuk yang masuk dari sisi menbuatkan arus udara itu naik ke atas dengan cepat dan mula berpusar Kelajuan pusaran puting beliung boleh mencapai lebih dari 450 km sejam! Cuba anda bandingkan dengan kereta yang bergerak laju di lebuh raya kebangsaan yang berhad laju 110 km sejam!

Selamat mencuba!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Movie Review : “Pirates of the Carribean : On Stranger Tides”


“Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides”, is the fourth installment of the popular film franchise and the first among them which doesn’t include the characters, Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley). It is also without the presence Gore Verbinski who directed the first three films. “On Stranger Tides”, helmed by Rob Marshall (Memoirs of a Geisha, Chicago and Nine) has a dull back-story that clogs up the film’s first 30 minutes, too many characters and a sense of tiredness. With running time of almost 140 minutes Pirates 4 offers convincing proof that this franchise has lost its sea legs.

It kicks off in 18th century London with Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) cheating the gallows only to be saved by former love Angelica (Penélope Cruz )

Pirates-of-the-Caribbean-On-Stranger-Tides-Angelica-Jack-Blackbeard-9-12-10-kcPenelope Cruz, Johnny Depp and Ian McShane

Forming an uneasy alliance with her and her dad Blackbeard (Ian McShane), they sail off to find The Fountain Of Youth. Not surprisingly, everyone also wants a piece of the action. Thrown in the adventures along the way are ethereal mermaids with nasty bites, zombie crew and  the Spaniards who show up early for everything. Sparrow also reunites with Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) who is carrying an old grudge. Most of the film's two-plus hours is taken up by the hunt for the legendary Fountain of Youth

pirates-Caribbean-On-Stranger-Tides-movie-photos-06-550x366Depp and Cruz wading across dangerous waters

Cruz and Depp lack chemistry and the relationship of Sparrow with Angelica as the love interest is also so simplistic and devoid of spark. Another problem of the film is that it primarily relies almost entirely on Depp’s Jack Sparrow to carry it. Unfortunately, Sparrow character antics wears thin too quickly and fails to sustain any of the excitement that made him so much fun to watch before.

The fight sequences and action scenes felt very tamped down when compared to ones showcased in the previous films with exception of the one involving the mermaid attack. The part involving the mermaids were suspenseful and fresh.

In comparison with Pirates of the Carribean 1 to 3 the skits are a little less funny. There were some memorable lines though from Sparrow, Sparrow’s dad and Barbossa. It also lack visual spectacle that the fist three films offered and the action is a little less gripping. In fact, this is the weakest of the series. The production design is also a let-down. It was strangely unattractive and not impressive enough.

There was a hopeful buzz about the fourth film, focusing primarily on the beloved character Jack Sparrow and keeping the story somewhat simpler. It has the potential to become the fun summer movie that it promised to be for it’s audience.Unfortunately, I think it is sinking under the weight of it’s own bloat.

Rating : clip_image001[29]clip_image001[27]clip_image001[21]clip_image001[25]clip_image001[23]

Aktiviti Matematik : “Mana mudah..campur atau darab?”

popsicle_sticks-702207 stock-photo-colorful-popsicle-sticks-on-white-background-570897

Topik :


Apa yang diperlukan:

Satu kotak objek seperti kayu aiskrim

Apa yang perlu dilakukan:

Sebagai aktiviti tambahan untuk mengajar pendaraban, cubalah contoh pendaraban faktor 10 ini.

Sediakan satu kotak kayu aiskrim (atau sebarang objek yang murah dan mudah didapati). Letakkan kesemua kayu aiskrim di atas tikar dan minta pelajar kira jumlah kayu aiskrim. Selepas mereka habis mengira semuanya, minta pelajar susun atau kumpulkan dalam jumlah 10 kayu aiskrim dalam satu kumpulan and minta pelajar nyatakan jawapannya.

Melalui cara ini, pelajar dapat melihat dan mencuba dengan sendiri mengira tanpa pendaraban. Mereka juga dapat melihat dengan sendiri bahawa mengira menggunakan pendaraban adalah cara cepat untuk mengira jumlah besar barang dan seterusnya memanfaatkannya penggunaan pengetahuan ini.

Bincang dengan pelajar bagaimana cara lain untuk kita menggunakan pendaraban dalam pengiraan jumlah kayu aiskrim. Mungkin seseorang akan menyarankan kita membuat satu ikat berjumlah seratus batang aiskrim? Ataupun beberapa ikat berjumlah 5 batang kayu aiskrim setiap ikat?.

Semoga ia menjadi satu aktiviti kinestatik pembelajaran berasaskan masalah yang berguna untuk anda cuba di dalam kelas.

Selamat mengajar dan belajar!

Nota : Minta pelajar untuk kumpulkan kayu aiskrim dan letakkan dalam kotak yang disediakan di dalam kelas. Ada pelbagai aktiiti berguna yang menggunakana kayu ini.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Aktiviti Matematik : Pecahan Lipatan Kertas


Topik :


Apa yang diperlukan:

Kertas kosong A4

Apa yang perlu dilakukan:

Berikan setiap pelajar sehelai kertas. Minta pelajar lipat kertas itu mengikut pecahan yang diarahkan oleh guru.

Contoh :


Pelajar dapat memerhatikan bagaimana saiz berubah dengan setiap pecahan.

Sebagai alternatif, beri pelajar beberapa helai kertas pelbagai warna dan minta pelajar tuliskan pecahan itu di atas kertas.


Ini adalah satu aktiviti yang mudah dan murah untuk memperkenalkan pecahan. Ia juga boleh digunakan sebagai set induksi dan pelajar juga disarankan untuk membuat kaedah cubajaya.

Terima kasih kepada Cikgu Norazaton atas perkongsian ini.

Selamat mengajar dan belajar!

Aktiviti Matematik : “Menulis angka dalam perkataan”
Topik :
Nombor bulat / whole numbers (Year 4)
Apa yang diperlukan :
Templat yang disediakan terlebih dahulu
Menulis angka nombor dalam perkataan 2
Apa yang perlu dilakukan:
1. Gunakan templat sebagai latih tubi untuk pelajar mengasah kemahiran dalam menulis angka dalam perkataan.
2. Guru boleh gunakan papan putih untuk paparan semua pelajar di dalam bilik darjah atau berikan templat kepada setiap pelajar.
3. Untuk contoh templat yang digunakan di atas, lihat contoh jawapan seperti di bawah :
Menulis angka nombor dalam perkataan 1
Nota untuk guru :
Idea ini dicadangkan oleh guru yang berpengalaman melatih pelajar yang lemah dalam menguasai kemahiran menulis angka dalam bentuk perkataan.
Selamat belajar dan mengajar!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fakta Sains : “Adakah warna darah selain dari merah?”

mypiert.blogspot duniainfokesehatan.blogspot

                                                     Belangkas dan Teripang

Manusia memiliki darah merah kerana itu adalah warna hemoglobin berasaskan unsur besi. Namun begitu, merah bukanlah satu-satunya warna darah. Labah-labah, belangkas dan artropod tertentu memiliki darah biru kerana adanya hemocynin berasaskan unsur tembaga di dalam darah haiwan-haiwan itu.

Teripang atau gamat pula memiliki darah berwarna kuning. Ini disebabkan oleh kepekatan tinggi vanabin, pigmen berasaskan vanadium yang berwarna kuning. Berbeza dengan hemoglobin dan hemocyanin, vanabin tidak seperti terlibat dalam pengangkutan oksigen. Selain vanabin, teripang mempunyai cukup hemocyanin dalam darah mereka untuk menampung keperluan oksigen mereka.

Sehingga kini, peranan vanabin tetap sedikit misteri. Mungkin ia adalah strategi mekanisme pertahanan haiwan itu untuk menjadikannya tidak menarik atau beracun kepada parasit dan pemangsa. Namun begitu, teripang digunakan dalam masakan dan juga dihargai kerana dipercayai memberi pelbagai manfaat kesihatan.

cenitherebeq.blogspot anna-insan.blogspot

                                            Sup gamat dan Ubat-ubatan berasakan gamat

Humans have red blood because it is the color of iron-based hemoglobin. However, red is not the only red color of blood. Spider, horseshoe crab and certain arthropods have blue blood because of hemocynin copper-based elements in the blood of animals.

Sea cucumbers has a yellow-coloured blood. This is caused by high concentrations of vanabin, a yellow coloured vanadium-based compound. In contrast to hemoglobin and hemocyanin, vanabin is not as involved in the transport of oxygen. Besides vanabin, sea cucumbers have enough hemocyanin in their blood to meet the their oxygen needs.

To date, the role of vanabin remains unknown. The presence is believed to be the defense mechanism of the animal by making it unattractive or toxic to parasites and predators. However, in human world, sea cucumbers are not only used in cooking, they are also believed to provide various health benefits.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Ideas for Classroom Teaching and Learning

As educators, life-long learning is not an option but a need in order to stay ahead. One of the ways to do this is to learn from other profession because some of the jobs run parallel. How about we take a look at comedians and what we can learn from them. modern-family billy

Some of my favourite comedians : ellen degeneres, cast of modern family and billy crystal


An important aspect of a comedy act is the idea process. How long it took for an idea to evolve into something that would be worthy of the act?

A comedian once quoted, "It is almost a fruit-like process to it for me. It gets ripe and then it starts rotting a bit for me."

If you think about it, comedians are not so much different from teachers. Occasionally, we have a really great idea that we are eager to integrate into our class, or share with others. But that idea eventually starts to sour, or the comedian put it, rot.

Thus an inevitable next step of the idea process would be to throw that fruit out and start new. But what if we try and find that same piece of fruit and evolve it into something new? Think of a fruit jam or cekodok pisang (I know pisang is not a fruit :P)

Imrprovising your idea

Do we seek to present new material each time we are standing in front of our students?

Few comedians affirmed that they throw away their comedy acts every year and seek to make each of their shows different from the last.

However, a comedian recommended that we cut out about 10 to 20 percent of the bottom of the act each year and blends the old stuff with the new material.

Such blending or simply innovation does makes sense in the world of education. Have you ever thought about your “act” in the classroom? Do you simply recycle the same show year after year?

While it may not be the best idea to throw away your act every year, it may make more sense for you to take the innovative approach and cut the bottom 10 to 20 percent of your act out each year and evolve the old material.

This is not to say the former approach is wrong. This practice challenges us to constantly create something new for an eager audience, our students.

Educators should also be accepting of the same challenge. We need to continually "clean out" our toolbox and bring in new ideas. I myself may not come up with the best ideas on my own, but I know what is worth innovating :) I remembered what John Steinbeck used to say, “Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.”

Seeking more ideas to innovate

Educators are thirsty for more innovative teaching ideas. We hear the word innovation all of the time, but rarely see it in action. Every conference I attended in the past three years included some topic or keynote on innovation, but beyond the buzzwords and engaging presentations, there is a lack of rich examples. We need innovative method to try out for plenty of innovative teaching, but those examples of innovative teaching are not surfacing.

So where are they?

Innovative ideas are out there, but they are not being shared enough. I hope we will be able to seek ways to share and exchange ideas among colleagues especially among teachers in the country. There are wealth of ideas out there, and I seen lots of them.

Let us share and spread ideas!

My small attempt of sharing the ideas that I got from my own research and professional development training is of course far from anything epic. But I simply wanted to put those ideas out there with hope that it is useful to all educators. So far I received great responses from my network and the response was more than I anticipated.

George Bernard once said, “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas!”

In my professional development workshops that I conducted, I also have a slot where teachers contribute their ideas so that it can be shared with the participants attending the workshop. Later the one that fellow participants find useful will be included in future workshops. To spread the good ideas to even more educators, I even included them in my blog.

Picture2 Picture1

Two teacher participants shared a maths activity based on spinning wheels and maths operations

My hope to all my educators friends out there, lets rise to the occasion and share what you are doing. I do hope that some of you will share your thoughts and resources too. Do share your innovative ideas here. Erasmo de Rotterdam once said, “There is no joy in possession without sharing”. Show us examples and hopefully we can all learn from one another!

Petua Pilihan : “Menajamkan gunting” / Home Tips : “Sharpen the scissors” scarysharp

Don’t you think it is annoying to have a scissors that cannot do the job properly? Over time our scissors will be blunt due to residues of tapes or they are just worn out due to regular use.

One way to `repair’ it is to use sandpaper. Use a fine sandpaper and cut it with a scissors a number of time to sharpen the edges and keep cuts clean. It won’t be sharp like the first time we ever use it, but at least we do not need to buy a new one!

Adakah anda mempunyai gunting yang tidak dapat menggunting dengan baiknya? Selepas beberapa lama guntjng kita akan menjadi tumpul kerana penggunaan yang kerap ataupun ia `dicemari’ dengan sisa pita selofan. A

Anda boleh tajamkannya semula dengan menggunakan kertas pasir.Potong kertas pasir dengan gunting itu untuk mempertajam bilah gunting dan seterusnya mendapat pemotongan yang baik. Ia mungkin tidak berapa tajam seperti dahulu, tetapi sekurang-kurangya kita tidak perlu memberli gunting yang baru!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Aktiviti Sains : Tiga Keadaan Jirim


Topik :

Keadaan Jirim

Apa yang diperlukan:

Air oren

Aiskrim berperisa oren

Sapu tangan yang dititikkan dengan esen oren

Apa yang perlu dilakukan:

Aktiviti ini dicadangkan oleh seorang rakan guru untuk digunakan sebagai set induksi untuk topik “Tiga keadaan Jirim”. Guru hanya perlu menyediakan objek di atas dan menunjukkan pelajar tiga contoh keadaan jirim dengan menggunakan tiga objek-objek itu.

Untuk menggalakkan interaksi di dalam kelas, sediakan beberapa set. Selepas mereka  memerhati dan membuat catatan tentang pemerhatian mereka (kemahiran proses : “memerhati”), bincang bersama-sama tentang persamaan dan perbezaan antara ketiga-tiga objek itu. Ini diikuti dengan perbincangan guru tentang tiga keadaan jirim. Contoh di atas menunjukkan aiskrim perisa oren sebagai “pepejal”, air oren sebagai “cecair” dan sapu tangan berbau oren pula digunakan untuk menunjukkan kehadiran “gas”.

Terima kasih Cikgu Zulaikha atas sumbangan idea ini.

Selamat belajar dan mengajar!

Aktiviti Matematik : “Belajar pecahan dengan botol plastik”

drop-plastic-bottle-collect bottle

Topik :


Apa yang diperlukan :


Kertas tertulis nombor  / berapa bahagian yang perlu dipotong

Botol plastik (jika boleh, cari yang bentuknya sekata)

Marker pen

Apa yang perlu dilakukan :

1. Sediakan botol plastik untuk pelajar. Sebagai alternatif, guru boleh meminta pelajar membawa botol plastik terpakai sendiri.

2. Setiap pelajar yang terlibat di dalam aktiviti ini akan diberikan kertas yang telah dituliskan satu nombor. Jika boleh, permudahkan dengan memberi nombor yang kurang dari 10.

3. Minta pelajar potong botol itu dengan gunting secara sama rata. Contohnya jika pelajar A mendapat nombor 3, dia dikehendaki potong botol itu kepada 3 bahagian sama rata.

4. Tuliskan dengan pen marker pecahan yang sesuai pada setiap bahagian botol. Contohnya, untuk setiap bahagian botol pelajar A, tuliskan 1/3.

5. Minta setiap pelajar untuk bandingkan saiz pecahan mereka dengan rakan pelajar yang lain. Melalui aktiviti ini, mereka akan dapat buat perbandingan tentang nilai pecahan.

Selamat mengajar dan belajar!