
Monday, April 25, 2011

Professional Development for Science Communicators

Monday 25th April 2011, Kuala Lumpur
A group of science communicators attended a half-day professional development training today. The workshop was conducted to increase their competency in conducting a program called Creative Science for Schools which caters for school children ranging from pre-school to secondary.
The activity called “Energyzer” is all about energy and emphasis is given on renewable energy. In this particular workshop, trainee have hands-on experience in constructing two type of kits; the Hand Generator and Solar Station.
Jus and Linda searching for the right parts. Farah was quite overwhelmed
Cooperative learning is part of the action
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The three acts of Nensi and Nuyun
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Participants construct models based on the manual given.
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More actions from the participants.
We are good to go!
The car is using solar cells while the energy comes from the spotlight.
The performance of the car depends on factors such as direct `energy’ received from light source, friction, mass and gears, among others
There are plans for more of such development opportunities in future.

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