

About Fun + Mental = Fundamental

I am a passionate in lifelong learning. My love for education and children development ignite and fuel my desire to share weblog of information through this blog.

I also aimed to help teachers to fire up imagination of their students, nurse their curiosities and inject enthusiasm and delight into their classroom.

I guess this is my way of making use of an extra hour each night before I went to sleep!

My blog have pages like :

Bahasa is for my readers who would like to know more about Bahasa Malaysia. It contains two sections “Memartabat Bahasa Malaysia” and “Macam-macam Bahasa.”The page is not only dedicated for readers who want to improve their use of Bahasa Malaysia but also serves as my own journal of learning.

Science is dedicated for the love of science learning. “Aktiviti Sains” is full of simple science experiments to shock and amaze you! Ordinary materials like plastic bottles, eggs and paper are used to make extraordinary things. They will help you find how science works, and why things happen the way they do. Most of all, these experiments are fun, 101% guaranteed! Parents can also pick any of these activities to do with kids. Teachers can choose any to supplement lesson in the classroom. In "Fakta Sains”, readers can also find collection of interesting science facts. 

(Note : In view of MBMMBI, the current initiative of the Ministry of Education Malaysia, I am writing the guide of the activities in Bahasa Malaysia. Do contact me if you would like the guide to be translated in English. Have fun experimenting!)

Maths contains ideas to make mathematics fun and less stressful. Some are my own ideas, others are shared by teacher friends. Most of the activities require everyday materials. They are also quite easy to implement too. Parents can also use these activities to help their kids with maths or perhaps brush up their own maths skills. We are never too old to learn!

I love Movies. As I am an avid movie fan, I also try to review movies from time to time, hopefully it is a useful barometer before we splurge our precious ringgit in this budget-tight era!

At Home contains “My favourite recipe”, it is obvious that I do not need to elaborate more. The page also contains “Home hints” where I share some tips to help you around the house or just make life easier!

PhotoJournal is where I capture images to speak for my experience and to tell the stories behind it. The page also contains my experience in embracing my passion in photography. I took some effort attending some photography workshops and talks. At night, I will find some time to read books and surfing websites to learn more about photography. Since I am an amateur, please do not expect anything perfect :)

Education is for readers who would like to learn more about education. This is where I share the best practices in teaching and learning and link with useful materials pertaining to educators' professional development.

Thinks is a special page for me to pour my thoughts.

Parenthood is where I share my experience and some tips from others in the topic of parenthood. Take the good ones and I hope in some ways, this will help parents out there to enjoy parenthood, nurture our little ones to be the best that he or she can be, and not forgetting to live a happy and fulfilling life for ourselves as parents.

Cerita/Story is for my readers who are interested in storytelling; reading children storybooks and perhaps writing one, one fine day! “Book Selection” is dedicated to educators and parents in choosing wide array of books that are suitable for learning. I hope in a small way, I encourage a reading culture among Malaysians! “On storytelling” is dedicated to anyone who is interested on news of reading, writing and storytelling. “Story collection” is where I share collection of my writings for yours and your children's reading pleasure.

In Energyzers you will find activities that you can use during teaching and learning or while facilitating a workshop. Most are very simple and require very little planning and supplies. You may need to adapt activities to meet your specific needs. The activities are divided into two categories. "Energizers"  are activities to encourage participant involvement and interaction. These activities may be used at the beginning of each day to bring the group together and begin work on a positive note. They may also be used throughout the day to recharge the group (maybe after lunch or after a long session). "Icebreakers" are used at the beginning of a school term or beginning of a workshop to help students or participants get to know each other. Icebreakers are important and is essential to the success of the course. The aim is to start the session on a positive note by making sure all of the participants get to know each other and feel comfortable to interact among them as soon as possible.

(Note : In view of MBMMBI, the current initiative of the Ministry of Education Malaysia, I am writing the guide of the activities in Bahasa Malaysia. Do contact me if you would like the guide to be translated in English. Have fun energyzing!)