
Monday, June 22, 2015

My writing journey : 24H Trip to Singapore (Draft for training purposes)

It has been awhile since my last posting.

On Saturday 22nd August 2014, I embarked in this 24 hours so-called trip down under (Singapore). Right after work, I hurried to catch the Aeroline bus and arrived Singapore around midnight. I took a cab to the Plush Pods hostel. Yes, back-packing style :P

The Aeroline travel was quite good. Good food, ample time for stop-over rest and prayers.

The Plush Pods was not too bad. It was just my first time staying in a hostel so it was kind of uncomfortable. But again it was not too bad. The price was reasonable. I paid RM75 for an overnight stay.

My little bed-cubicle

The hostel was convenient because it was just 2-3 minutes walking to the workshop venue the next day -  Heritage Place at Tan Quee Lan St.

The workshop title-details



Right after the workshop ends, I had lunch at Nandos Bugis Junction which was just few minutes away. Then, I rushed to the MRT station to catch a train bound to KL at 4:00pm Arrived home around midnight.

I boarded the First Class KTMB train and it was all so exciting! I remembered how much fun it was many years ago.

The only frustrating thing was I had high expectations of the train. When I went in the coach, it was not as first class as I expected.

Some of the seats are have mechanical problems, torned fabrics and shown obvious signs of wear and tear.

Overview of First Class coach

Not too glamorous but good enough for me

But, I love trains and decided that these should not spoil the journey.

And as expected, the journey was not only exciting but very nostalgic. It was amazing that the scenic panaroma looked the same throughout these years. I spent my whole daylight time to enjoy the view. It did not matter whether it was someone's backyard, wild bushes, old shophouses. It was meaningful to me. I wished I am good in watercolours so that I can put visually on paper.

Mostly palm oil plantation along the way

A calming river flow

Then the food trolley came and I was very excited. For unknown reasons, I love food served on moving public transportantion! Be it on airplane, trains or express bus. Having served and dine while in motion is cool.

I bought a pack of meehoon goreng, a banana cake and iced milo. They tasted quite good. While having my meal, I remembered how my mum served as ayam goreng rempah on our way to Singapore, I can still taste how nice it was.

Later, to entertain myself, I went for a walk to other coaches. I m and to the toilet. Very exciting indeed. The toilet looked the same throughout these years.

I had fun throughout the journey.

I arrived around 11pm and an hour later arrived at home, served with goodies from my wife!

home-cooked karipap daging and hot tea